Geophysical Contracting and Consulting

"Working with Astrock is always a pleasure. We have full confidence in Astrock's knowledge of equipment and ability to probe as deep as possible past obstacles that many of Astrock's competitors never dare to pass."
Paul Evins
Expert at WSP Group Sweden and Adjunct at Stockholm University

"Yhteistyö meni tosi hienosti ja yläkätisten poranreikien kuvantamistuloksia käytettiin rakennettavuusselvitykseen."
(Co-operation succeeded very well and results from drilled upholes were used for feasibility study.)
Teemu Rahikainen
Toimitusjohtaja, Sipti Oy

"You are more likely not to get correct information from oriented core drilling than getting it. For me personally, borehole imaging is superior in terms of quality and time consumed both in the field and during mapping compared with oriented core. I don't usually recommend oriented core for structure mapping. I see borehole imaging as a perfect solution to such a problem.
Astrock comes to field well-prepared and leaves with data of excellent quality."
Anton Bergman
Senior development engineer, rock mechanics
Boliden Mines Technology

"Astrock on pääkumppanimme geofysiikan reikämittauksissa jo toista vuotta ja mallikkaasti on mennyt ."
(Astrock is our main partner in geophysical borehole logging and everything has gone smoothly and ontime.)
Markku Montonen
Geophysicist (M.Sc.),
Magnus Minerals Oy

Hyperdata Software: "Especially corebox photographs has proved to be very beneficial. Many problems have been solved at the office without a trip to a core shed. When visits have been necessary, it was possible to plan them more detailed and hence it has been much more effecient. Quality control, especially depth match, has improved significantly, because cores and other data are easy view at the same time."
Posiva Oy

"Astrock carried out an optical borehole imaging (OBI) for Suhanko Arctic Platinum Oy. The data quality was good and proved to be accurate. We are very satisfied with Astrock - both the smooth field work and quality of end results."
Sami Lepistö
Senior Geologist, Suhanko Arctic Platinum Oy

"Homma toimi ja joustavuutta löytyi. Tilaamme jatkossakin."
(Working and flexible service. We'll continue with the service.)
Jani Keckman
Vastaava työnjohtaja / responsible site manager, Keski-Suomen Betonirakenne Oy

"TEM-drillhole soundings provided by Astrock Oy were good quality and results were obtained in time."
Uula Autio
Senior scientist, Geological Survey of Finland
Ilkka Lahti
Team manager, Geological Survey of Finland

Geophysical Services
Ground and borehole logging services
From project management to integrated modeling
Borehole logging system for grade control