Titan-24 for Agnico Eagle Finland
Jukka Välimaa Project Manager / Agnico Eagle Finland (MAusIMM)

Between 2009 and 2018, Agnico Eagle Finland conducted several deep electromagnetic surveys in its mineral exploration areas in Kittilä, Northern Finland, and Barsele, Central Sweden.
The surveys were done using the TITAN-24 system developed by Quantec Geoscience Ltd of Canada. In this system both resistivity and IP (DCIP) down to 750m and magnetotelluric sounding data (MT) down to 2km were collected from 2.4km long survey lines at the same time using the same electrode configuration and data acquisition systems. Working progress was normally one survey line per day.
The personnel and long-term expertise of Sodankylä-based Astrock Oy were used in each survey campaign for technical operations, to monitor the quality of the soundings, and especially in the final geological interpretations.
The field logistics required for the surveys were performed by Astrock Oy's field technical unit Ageos Oy.
Survey data have been used both in regional exploration and especially on site exploration in interpretation of deep structures at and around the Kittilä mine.
With the development of the softwares used and the computing capacities, the old survey data have also been able to further processed recently. The final interpretation of the processings in relation to the local geology has been made by Astrock Oy.